256 Lots
Estimate: $1,200 - $1,800
Estimate: $500 - $800
Estimate: $700 - $900
Estimate: $500 - $800
Estimate: $500 - $800
Estimate: $400 - $700
Estimate: $700 - $1,000
Estimate: $500 - $800
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Estimate: $600 - $900
Estimate: $600 - $900
Estimate: $12,000 - $15,000
Estimate: $6,000 - $9,000
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Estimate: $2,000 - $4,000
Estimate: $800 - $1,000
Estimate: $500 - $800
Estimate: $300 - $500
Estimate: $400 - $600
Estimate: $500 - $700
Estimate: $300 - $500
Estimate: $400 - $700
Estimate: $300 - $500
Estimate: $300 - $500
Estimate: $300 - $400
Estimate: $500 - $800
Estimate: $300 - $500
Estimate: $250 - $350
Estimate: $500 - $800
Estimate: $300 - $500
Estimate: $300 - $500
Estimate: $300 - $500
Estimate: $600 - $800
Estimate: $500 - $700
Estimate: $300 - $400
Estimate: $250 - $350
Estimate: $600 - $900
Estimate: $500 - $700
Estimate: $200 - $300
Estimate: $500 - $800
Estimate: $150 - $250
Estimate: $500 - $800
Estimate: $300 - $500
Estimate: $600 - $900
Location: East Dennis, MA, US
Phone: 508 385 3116
- |
- Accepts online payments
We require prompt payment and removal of your purchases as stated in Paragraph 12 of our Conditions of Sale. Arrangements to pick up or ship your purchases must be made within seven (7) days from the close of the auction.
All items must be removed from Eldred's facilities within fourteen (14) days of the close of the auction. All items remaining after fourteen days may be subject to a $5/per item/per day storage fee. No items will be released unless storage fees are paid in full. Items remaining over thirty (30) days from the close of the auction may be sold for the buyer's account minus auction and storage fees.
If you plan to pick up your purchases, please call ahead and we'll make every effort to have your items ready. Our address is 1483 Route 6A, East Dennis, Massachusetts. Arrangements to pick up of smaller items at our Hanover, Massachusetts or Mystic, Connecticut locations can be made with advance notice.
Shipping is not included in the purchase price. Shipping quotes will not be provided until the invoice is paid in full.
Select items may be available for in-house shipping. In-house shipping is offered exclusively though UPS. Eldred's charges a minimum $15 handling fee per package, plus actual UPS shipping charges. All items are shipped with UPS insurance (max. $50,000), which is charged at $2.70 for the first $100 and at $0.90 per $100 thereafter.
For items not eligible for in-house shipping, Eldred's is happy to help coordinate and recommend shipping agents.
$0-499,999: 26.0%
$500,000+: 10.0%
From: | To: | Increments: |
$0 | $49 | $5 |
$50 | $99 | $10 |
$100 | $499 | $25 |
$500 | $999 | $50 |
$1,000 | $2,999 | $100 |
$3,000 | $4,999 | $250 |
$5,000 | $9,999 | $500 |
$10,000 | $29,999 | $1,000 |
$30,000 | $49,999 | $2,500 |
$50,000 | $99,999 | $5,000 |
$100,000 + | $10,000 |
Conditions of Sale
Your bid is a legally binding contract. Upon the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, title will pass to the highest bidder, and the property is thereafter at the purchaser's sole risk and responsibility.
Users must register and be approved to bid prior to the auction. Eldred's reserves the right to deny approval for any reason.
If you are the winning bidder, Eldred's demands payment within seven (7) days of receiving your invoice. Eldred's will pursue payment through all available means, including legal action. If you do not intend to pay, DO NOT BID.
Absentee Bids: Your maximum bid is kept confidential from the auctioneer. It is therefore possible, in the normal course of soliciting bids from other auction participants, that the auctioneer could sell an item to another bidder for the same amount as your maximum bid. This is a rare, yet unfortunate and unavoidable occurrence. THE WINNING BIDDER IS ALWAYS DETERMINED BY THE AUCTIONEER.
Eldred's requires payment within seven (7) days of receiving your invoice.
Payment can be made by check, money order or electronic transfer. We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover for invoices totaling $10,000 USD or less, provided the credit card has a U.S. billing address. INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CARDS will be NOT be accepted under any circumstances. Credit cards are not accepted for jewelry purchases and other items at our discretion.
Your bid is a legally binding contract. Eldred's will pursue payment through all available means, including legal action.
Shipping is not included in the purchase price, and the buyer is responsible for arranging for shipment of all purchases. Eldred's is happy to help coordinate and recommend shipping agents. NO ITEMS WILL BE RELEASED FOR SHIPPING OR DELIVERY UNTIL PAYMENT HAS CLEARED.
We require prompt payment and removal of your purchases as stated in Paragraph 12 of our Conditions of Sale. Arrangements to pick up or ship your purchases must be made within seven (7) days from the close of the auction.
All items must be removed from Eldred's facilities within fourteen (14) days of the close of the auction. All items remaining after fourteen days may be subject to a $5/per item/per day storage fee. No items will be released unless storage fees are paid in full. Items remaining over thirty (30) days from the close of the auction may be sold for the buyer's account minus auction and storage fees.
If you plan to pick up your purchases, please call ahead and we'll make every effort to have your items ready. Our address is 1483 Route 6A, East Dennis, Massachusetts. Arrangements to pick up of smaller items at our Hanover, Massachusetts or Mystic, Connecticut locations can be made with advance notice.
Shipping is not included in the purchase price. Shipping quotes will not be provided until the invoice is paid in full.
Select items may be available for in-house shipping. In-house shipping is offered exclusively though UPS. Eldred's charges a minimum $15 handling fee per package, plus actual UPS shipping charges. All items are shipped with UPS insurance (max. $50,000), which is charged at $2.70 for the first $100 and at $0.90 per $100 thereafter.
For items not eligible for in-house shipping, Eldred's is happy to help coordinate and recommend shipping agents.
Buyer's Premium: A 26% Buyer's Premium will be charged on successful bids.